Sunday, 2 December 2012

Our Household traditions

As you probably recognised already K and I are very big fans of the brunch institution. Some time ago we developed a little Sunday tradition which required a two day prep, may I add an extremely pleasant 2 day prep.

It usually started with a Saturday visit to Kingston Market, K and I made friends with people at few of the stands, especially one from a farm in West Sussex-we rely on them for our supply of eggs, most amazing little apples as well as oyster mushrooms and wild garlic when in season. They are a bunch of American hippies who settled on British soil and live of picking apples and chasing hens. It's always good to make friends with your suppliers-that is how you get freebies thrown in for good measure. Another good market tip is to go there at the end of the trading day, the chances are you will leave with an abundance of fruit and veg spending a 10th of what you would in a supermarket. Just the other week Kenny came back with a bag of about 2.5 kg of little plum tomatoes for a pound. They were the juiciest and sweetest things ever and we were eating them in every possible form for the next week (the funny thing is that I hate tomatoes, unless they are with mozzarella and the ratio of mozzarella to tomato has to be just right, turns out it is the quality of the tomatoes my taste buds have the biggest problem with).

Close up of our market hunted goodness
Another stand were you can find us at the Kingston Market, is the bread stand. This is for two reasons: only there you can find proper gluten free bread that isnt offensive in the taste category (I can't fully stomach the german sliced dark dark rye bread, even though both K and my parents always insist on buying it). Rye sourdough is our bread of choice chased up by the slightly noughty indulgent fudge brownies (flower content is really quite small in them-we inquired).

Then we usually spend the rest of Saturday on lazying about, watching tv shows and reading. And then comes on Sunday.

We start of with a glass of water, vitamins and a ginger and lemon tea, which is then chased up by the most delicious and heartwarming poison of all-the Irish coffee. We are usually quite generous on the Irish part of the brew, setting us well into a Sunday mood of dreamy chill outs. We don't skimp out on the double cream either... If there is any left in the tub after we had our way with it, K will proceed with smothering it with icing sugar and inhaling within seconds. We stay very health conscious's usually followed by a mint tea ;)

A start to brunch...
The brunch itself, god I love poached eggs....and butter, heaps of butter

This is usually followed by a walk or an afternoon nap. Irish coffee Sunday brunch isn't the only thing we love doing to make Sundays more indulgent (making things more indulgent is my favourite past time, probably the reason why I love butter so much), often we alternate with brunch outings but more on that next week...

Hope you had a lovely weekend.


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